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I have always been a jewelry girl. As a small girl, I was always looking through my mom’s jewelry and playing in her box of old jewelry that she no longer wore. I would ask for it for my birthday and Christmas (in addition to toys), and when I was old enough to work, I started buying sterling silver jewelry for myself. When in high school, I was excited to get my first real gold ring—my class ring. Because of the issues with my dad, I wasn’t sure I’d get one, but he did end up getting me one. Black Hills Gold was just coming into vogue (at least for me) in the early 90s, and I was able to get a BHG class ring. That ring was the first time in my life that I ever liked my birthstone (citrine).

Once I was out of college and working, I bought a few more gold and diamond rings; some of them new & some of them second-hand. I got a diamond ring on an online auction site back when gold, etc. was cheap, and I was able to reuse that diamond in my engagement ring. On our fifth anniversary, I asked my then husband to buy me a ring with our birthstones in it. I found the setting and had the stones added to it.

After my divorce, one of the things I dealt with was the loss of my jewelry. The Lord asked me to leave most of it behind. I was okay with it, but it was still hard. I was able to keep all of my silver and a couple of my gold/diamond pieces. The major stuff had to go though.

While I didn’t mind removing the rings that symbolized the failed marriage from my hand, it did have an interesting effect on me emotionally. Those rings also symbolized someone loving me and making me his. The marriage had died long before, but now I no longer had the symbols either.

A few years after moving to California, the Lord made it possible for me to buy a ring for myself from my favorite silver jewelry source. He told me to wear it, but that it would eventually be given to someone else. About a year ago, I discovered that that person would be my son. I wanted to give it to him, but I felt bare again. The Lord told me not to buy another ring until I got my flower one. It felt punitive, but I know it wasn’t. So, I’ve been wearing only my little diamond pinky ring since then.

With the arrival of Chloe, I have felt the doors open to jewelry again. The Lord showed me the flower ring He wanted me to buy and gave me the unexpected money to buy it. I have been wavering about it because I wanted to make sure I was hearing Him correctly. I just now finished purchasing it. It should be here by Wednesday.

I am excited. It is silver, but it does have a goldish bronze in a few places as well. It is pretty & I can’t wait to wear it. Traditionally I always feel guilty when I by myself things like that; things that are frivolous. This isn’t’ frivolous to me though. This is another gift from Him, in one of my love languages—jewelry.

This is just the beginning, but it IS the beginning. It is good, and there are more good things to come.

Thank You Lord!

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