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Homesteading the Heart

Homesteading. As I searched for the official definition of the word, I discovered that there really isn't one. So, I came up with my own: working one's land for the sustenance, survival, and future of one's family.

I've had a phrase floating around in my head for the past several months. Now that I have this website up and running, I can finally write it here.

Homesteading the Heart

I don't have land. I don't have a house. Actually, I don't even have a car. I live with my mom and drive her old car. So, what does someone without all of that have to homestead? The heart.

I have been single again now for over nine years and I homeschool my only child. His heart needs to be cultivated and cared for and so does mine.

Can one person homestead all by himself? No. In my case, since I do not homestead the physical, my help is not physical either. The Lord is my partner above all, and He brings others into our lives to help too.

Homesteading the Heart is a phrase I haven't totally fleshed out yet. However, what I do know is that the Lord tills the soil of our hearts, fertilizes and amends, and then begins to plant. We do our parts by weeding (partnering with Him to get rid of past "baggage"), protecting from scorching sun (guarding our hearts against our surroundings), and watering what He has planted (relationship with Him and reading His Word).

I have been trying to do these things since my divorce. Sometimes I'm better at it than other times. I've lost some plants along the way, but He's always been there to re-sow. He's mainly been building my "soil;" adding nutrients, tilling, turning over, and preparing. Now is the time for the seeds to grow. Soon is the time for harvest.

Like a physical homesteader, I pray that His work will manifest something that can sustain my family, help my family survive, and provide for our (and their) future as well.

This transition I'm in is touching every area of my life. So much has changed over the last several months, and yet I am still on the cusp of what He wants to reveal. Stay tuned. I will shout His praises as it all unfolds.

God Bless

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